Friday, December 31, 2010

It's 2011....Pamper the diva in you with simple delights!

Ever feel like a pendulum constantly swinging to balance your professional or personal life?  Lord knows I do and I have those moments when I have more on my plate than I can handle and all I wish for is, just a little "me attention".  You know what I'm talking about ladies!  2010 was crazy and non-stop, not to mention rarely a free moment that I could take for my self to just pamper my inner DIVA.  You remember the old saying If daddy isn't happy no one cares, but if Momma isn't happy no one is happy. Perhaps good ol Mom has just been going thru the motions because if she stopped and thought of herself, nothing would get done. 

Now don't get me wrong and start getting pissed off or anything.  We do take the occasional break, have lunch with our galpals or indulge in a mani or pedi.  I'm talking about the day to day conversation with our inner selves.  That part of you that you pamper every single day to help you feel good about yourself  or reminds you, that your someone, or something more, than just a taxi cab, washing machine, chef, doctor, counselor, sports promoter, military spouse; the endless list that takes time away from you; your best girlfriend!!!!!!

Plus the doctor says I have to take better care of myself and I'm telling you right now, running down to the gym to sweat like a pig is definitely not in my vocabulary.  Trust me I eat enough leafy green vegetables to fertilize any crop farm and no matter how well I try to care of myself...sometimes the good ol fashion "healthy" touch is not what I need or want. 

So, one of my goals in 2011 is to pamper my own inner diva.  I'm not talking spending tons of money or suddenly become selfish and self absorbed.  I'm talking simple daily delights to remind myself I am special, to make me smile and feel good, so I can be a better person, wife, friend and mother.  Here are a few ideas I have seen or heard, some my friends are doing lately or shared by other military wives. 

  •   Paint my toe nails a color I've never dreamed of wearing
  •   Try on couture gowns in a fancy boutique
  •   Try on a dozen new lipsticks until I find a winner
  •   Wear my absolute favorite pair of shoes even if they are out of season or style
  •   Take Salsa lessons
  •   Make a homemade body scrub with sea salt, lemon and sesame seeds
  •   Dance to Madonna in front of the mirror
  •   Put on a floral dress and maybe even gloves and meet my girlfriends for high tea
  •   Buy fishnet stockings and wear them to a Hui board meeting!
  •   Try on jewelry at a expensive jeweler

So this is just my start list and I'm going to do it instead of waiting and saying I'll get to it and that turns into next week and next week turns into next month and so on and so on; you get the picture.  I plan on doing a simple delight every day to stay in communication with my inner diva instead of when I'm already worn out and run down.  I've earned it.  You've earned.  Our minds, bodies and spirits have earned it. 

The best part of this is I can include my girlfriends in a lot of them as well so they can pamper their diva's as well and if you know my girlfriends (lol you know who you are)  woo Lord....we are some fabulous diva's! 

Pamper on Ladies!                                    


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